Jeopardy-like game created in PowerPoint. This was a fun one to make. Although there are many game show templates available, I liked making this one "from scratch."  Good thing I tested out the embedded feature using my OneDrive account.  There is an  error when viewing on Internet Explorers (ironic). So I will do the image that links trick. 

Zip file can be downloaded here.

Project 4

A video on any topic I wanted.  I used Windows Movie Maker and found some music that I could use through Creative Commons. In order to avoid any copyright issues, I used only my own pictures. 

Project 5 

Picture editing. This was fun and easy to do as well.  In addition, I was able to use my favorite model - Sally the Wonder Dog. 

Project 6

This is an older tutorial I made that is specific to the Staff @ Muskegon Catholic. (11/2012). Link Hover Cam Demo.I chose this one because I used a combo of hardware, software and best practices (tips and tricks), and I stuck myself in the corner.

 BE WARNED: My staff knows that I speak quickly, I tell them to listen faster, or that is beauty of a video! Pause and rewind!

Project 7

This is re-re-rehashed lesson plan.  Exponential functions and money. This lesson lets the student have a little creative fun while exploring the exponential growth.

 Here is the Lesson plan Link. The presentation is below.